“A Warm Thank You For All Your Help, Guidance and Support” – Madame Sabine Balve
Hundreds of thousands of people have joint my global movement to create a sustainable world in peace. For themselves and their communities, their neighbours, their business partners, their families and our children worldwide. Inspired by my contents and posts, many exchanged with me long hours online and offline and we got the ‘ball rolling’ with so many projects since 2012 in so many countries until now ongoing.
Never forget my words…
ONE PERSON can make a difference. BUT TOGETHER WE are STRONGER. YOU all matter, WE all can BE the CHANGE, WE wanna see in this World.

Madame Sabine Balve, Global Campaigner for a Sustainable World in Peace
This is why I started to give an ONLINE AWARD named EARTH AMBASSADOR and a second award named GLOBAL TOLERANCE FACES for people who do good in Sustainability, Humanity and Peace. Inspired thru our global network and our global exchanges thru my social media campaign, we united more than 180.000 people around the globe, as thru internet our world becomes a global village. It is so amazing, what we achieved together…

I got more than 20.000 emails and thousands of messages and more than 10.000 Endorsements.
Your support has made me a stronger person and I will forever be grateful for your encouragement and support even in tough times and for joining our independent global movement to make this world a better place together!
Madame Sabine Balve
But don’t just take it from me, here are some testimonials from people who matter
Some Words of My Strong Partners, Precious Clients and Dear Friends

Marcia L Dyson
CEO and founder, Women’s Global Initiative, Washington DC, USA. Senior Advisor Ready For Hillary. Ambassador of Peace Universal Peace Federation. Advisory Board United Nations Women’s Entrepreneur Day. Board Member and International Spokesperson Middle East Peace Working Group. Chaplin Coalition of Hope. Global Socio-Political Activist, Ordained Minister, Author and Environmentalist & Board of Director at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“Sabine is an amazing woman committed to humanitarian causes globally. She has demonstrated not only integrity and honesty in her endeavors but the highest quality of professionalism as well. She has proven her to be responsible honest in her fiduciary duties in relation to those with whom she has garnered their trust to fulfill each entity’s objective of finding ways to evolve the desire for peace, justice, and equality in the world. She is excellent at management and strategic partnerships. She is known by high-level government officials, royalty while also being respected by those from who will ultimately benefit from her work “the marginalize peoples of the world.”
She is a cosmic citizen who takes time to highlight the issues surrounding health and the environment. I would call Sabine Mother Nature’s best friend. I look forward to working with her on the World’s Leaders Forum (WLFDubai) where she will demonstrate, along with other board members and director of the World Leaders Forum, that peace is possible in our lifetime with good governance and the willingness to be informed rather than continue in ignorance. Sabine is a tireless worker and her self-sacrifice to promote the World Leaders Forum Dubai is well noted by all.”

Professor Maxim Lobovikov
Former UN FAO Chief of Forest Products and Industries. Current International Consultant, Russian Federation International Trade and Development & Board of Director at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“I had interesting exchanges with Sabine for few months through the Social Media Platform “World Leaders Forum Dubai”, which she created and led. The Platform provides an excellent forum to discuss and develop ideas on sustainable green society and global challenges of the 21st century until they start meeting human expectation. The topics discussed on the platform correspond well to the developmental work of the Millennium Development Goals.
I am delighted to follow the development of the newly established framework. Sabine’s success in the Social Media was impressive and I appreciate her inspiration on the global topics. She is a visionary leader and I am sure her forum will bring new ideas. Sabine demonstrates excellent interpersonal skills. She is able to nicely deal with different cultures and interest groups. Her efforts demonstrate what determined individuals can do in support of the global green movement.”

Dr. Walter Christman, PhD
Chairman and Founding Director at the Global Challenges Forum Foundation.
Dr. Walter L. Christman is a pioneer in the global adoption of new cooperative ventures in education and research to enable enhanced regional and global security. He is the principal architect of seven US – Secretary of Defense initiatives, three of which were endorsed by a President of the United States.
“Sabine Balve was highly appreciated as one of the Inaugural Keynote Speakers for the Launch of the Global Knowledge Networking Initiative. The undertaking was co-hosted by the Global Challenges Forum Foundation and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva in collaboration with the US Department of Defense in Geneva, Switzerland on 18 September, 2015. She is a compelling thought-leader in advancing new thinking to address urgent problems facing the Middle East posed by radical extremism and the refugee crisis challenging Europe. Her successful online global initiative has brought together tens of thousands of potential partners and stakeholders with much promise to advance cross-civilization dialogue and effective action. Her work helps to advance the Global Challenges Forum Foundation to be more effective in addressing the issues of security and sustainable urbanization. In the last few months on a nearly daily basis we interacted online extensively on issues pertaining to the civil protection capabilities that has been best developed in NATO and their possible practical application to the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East in the promotion of greater security for the Gulf region and their allies.”

Dr. Raed H. Habiss
Saudi Arabia | Connect 2030 Forum
Founder & Vice Chairman
Vice Chairman at Alternative Tech Commercial Ltd
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
“Your excellency Madame Sabrina, you are well positioned to working with us on Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 and transformation plans 2020. I am looking forward to great coordination and mutual working relationship Thank you.”

Suresh Singh
“I highly recommend Sabine Balve and her Organisation! Keep up the good work Sabine. Namaste”

Christoph Thoke
Mag./M.A., The Mogador Touch. Big in Movies and Management. Likes Red Carpets. LOS ANGELES. 6 National NOMINATION for FOREIGN OSCAR, Contender for THE GOLDEN GLOBES. With a TOTAL of 150 Awards and 620 Film Festival Selections. Orchestrating Deals. New Opportunities, Access, Connecting People, Advises UHNWIs & Advisory Board at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“There is nothing that can stop Sabine Balve! Sabine is a vision-driven leader with an unstoppable energy and a highly necessary mission: Save the World … and making the WORLD LEADERS FORUM Dubai a must on the International Calendar! It is a pleasure to support and advise her and her global team with our contacts and resources.”

Anthony Mannella
Group Manager for United Nations (U.N.) Linked In Group & United Nations (Business Partnerships) Group Owner. Director of Compliance and Enforcement. Business Operations, Lean Management Consultant, Central Automotive Inspection Records & Standards Services (CAIRSS) Corp. Previous: GM Canada, Ford Motor Company
“I have had the pleasure of meeting Sabine through Linked in and her membership in the United Nations group. We’ve had numerous strategic discussions to help take her organization WLFD to the next steps. I am a strong proponent of her visions as they align with my own. We regularly trade knowledge and ideas on how to better serve humanity and support the MDG initiatives in the U.N. Sabine is a successful business woman and is serious about making the WLFD successful. Anyone with the expertise and determination to help alleviate the world conditions should be contacting Sabine in order to ask how they can help too.”

Harald Schock
Director at AGT, Agency for Green Technology, Management & Engineering, Aktien Gesellschaft, AG in Austria & in Switzerland
“I have known Sabine since may 2012 and have been amazed at her creativity. Sabine has always been a task-oriented and tireless woman without forgetting to be friendly and humorous.
At AGT Low-Temperature Technology, because our system is in the position to reduce CO2 output to 30% with the option to ZERO CO2 as our own development. We have authorized Sabine Balve as a partner to help promote AGT LTC in the Middle East. Sabine opened the doors in Saudi Arabia to one of the chief investors’ largest companies dealing in gas and oil in the world. Our company is working with anaerobic gasification of all kinds of biomass to gas and electricity. Sabine believes in our philosophy and we look forward to working with her. God bless you, Sabine, you will achieve a difference for our world with the new setup of your World Leaders Forum and Festival and we at AGT LTC are happy to work with you, many thanks for your great work!
Sabine Balve is truly a brilliant individual and a joy to know. She is without a question a visionary, innovative as well as an inspiring businesswoman.”

H.E. Dr. Justina Mutale
Founder & CEO, POSITIVE RUNWAY, Global Catwalk to Stop the Spread is an award-winning HIV/AIDS response Campaign with presence in over 150 countries, spanning 6 continents spread across the globe. African Woman of the Year 2012. International Women’s
Think Tank (IWTT), Diaspora Spokesperson for ENOUGH FOOD FOR EVERYONE IF Campaign. International Speaker, Philanthropist, Global Influencer & Board of Director at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“I wish to congratulate Sabine and her team at World Leaders Forum, a campaign that has already reached over 120 countries around the world. It is an enormous undertaking, but which I believe will have a global impact and will change the lives of women, children and communities across the globe.
Sabine is right and she is not the only one who believes that it is critical that world leaders should address the crisis faced by humanity in all walks of life. We are also part of the IF Campaign, which is also working to tackle the root causes of hunger and poverty; and to improve the health, education, and women and youth empowerment.
At the IF Campaign we are pleased that we were able to work closely with the British Prime Minister, David Cameron under his Presidency of the G8 to deliver our message to the G8 at their Summit held in Ireland on 17-18 June 2013, demanding policy change in regards to Aid, Tax Avoidance, Land Grabs and Transparency, which we believe highly contribute to the acceleration of world hunger. With a number of world personalities and celebrities such as Bill Gates, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and David Beckham, giving their voice and support to such Campaigns, indicates just how critical the issue of world hunger has become.
The objectives and goals of the World Leaders Forum and campaign are to contribute to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the attainment of a sustainable world. This Campaign and future Forum will therefore be invaluable to global efforts in improving the quality of life for many communities around the world. I commend Sabine on her initiative behind the World Leaders Forum and I am honoured to collaborate with Sabine and be a part of this important community development initiative and life changing campaign, which aims to transform social society worldwide as one human family with one human responsibility for our planet.
It is our desire that through the efforts of the World Leaders Forum the world will be a better place for all humanity and all life beings on our planet. We are with your Sabine!”

Christopher Graf von Spee
Partner, Calumet Consulting is a privately run, international orientated real estate, corporate and renewable- energy brokerage. Former: Head of Institutional Clients, Head of Health Care Funds Corpus Sireo Investment Management
“Sabine uses her amazing Networking skills and her in-depth knowledge of the different regional markets to set up the WORLD LEADERS Forum in Dubai. Bringing together the worlds Powerful to help make this world a better world for our children. Ms. Balve deserves our support, please help her by visiting her Linkedin Site, or https://worldleadersforumdubai.com or just be spreading the word.”

Cristina Magallon
Freelance Journalist | Content Writer | Blogging Solutions | Creative Thinker! Digital Marketing at 24n54e Coordinates. Former Managing & Assigning Editor ESPEJO Magazine in the Philippines
“Anyone who put others on priority than themselves is more than noble, it is the sole definition of selfless love and this is what Sabine does as the visionary brain behind the World Leaders Forum Dubai. It honors anyone to be in connected with her new Global Movement and her forum, whose sole vision is to save our planet.”

Barbara McGivern
Artist, Barbara McGivern www.bmcgivern.com
“I have known Sabine Balve for 8 years now. I first meet Sabine when she first came to Dubai and was the CEO of BALVE Safes, from Munich, Germany. I am a Canadian artist and she approached me about doing unique safes with my specialty gold leafs paintings on the outside of them to make them an art piece instead of a safe.
I have found Sabine to be very creative and her mind is boundless in anything that she has approached and reliable in all her endeavors.
I highly recommend her in her new adventure of WORLD LEADERS FORUM DUBAI. Sabine is very passionate about her vision and mission to change global society and to make all world- citizen into change-makers for a peaceful planet with her new green global movement. Indeed I agree with her, we all should be CHANGE-Makers for a sustainable future for all and world peace!
Good Luck, Sabine, you have all my support!”

CEO Founder Collective Changes, Advisor at C4GEi, Gender Editor, World Report News, BM Gates Foundation Advisor and Advisory Board of World Leaders Forum Dubai
“ As a gender economist I often look to people who have developed the capacity to view the world from the 30,000 foot level to ensure that the issues are clearly seen from the advantage of the surrounding territories and potential impacts. Ms. Balve has not only found the broader viewpoint but she has also focused on it and applied that highly developed viewpoint to bear on the issues being dealt with by our global societies – health, education, environment, gender equity, food security and peace. Her most amazing talent is to then bring the world players into the solutions and hold us all accountable.
Sabine Balve is just such a person and one of only a few women that I know that has undertaken such a major role of bringing world leaders together to not just talk about the global issues of our world but to help guide to define actions that individuals, nations, corporations and NGOs can,and must take to solve them. She is a driver of initiatives, ideas and leaders who can and does make significant impacts to social, political and economic stability in our world. I am honored to be included in her sphere of influence and appreciate her interest in growing gender neutral agendas to be inclusive of all.”

Enzo di Taranto
Former Campaign Manager – Secretary-General’s UNiTE Campaign at the United Nations
Global/Multimedia Campaigns, Governance, PPP Complex Management & Vice President for Strategic Partnership and World Affairs at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“Ms. Balve is a visionary leader who understands the strategic inter-linkages between peace, human rights, public-private partnerships and sustainable development. She is also an outstanding networker and an effective manager who knows how to get things done. A powerful combination of competencies, indeed!”

Rex Idaminabo
Founder and Principal Partner of African Achievers Awards, Co-founder, Young Ceo’s Business Forum Ltd and Advisory Board of the World Leaders Forum Dubai
As CHANGE MAKER for AFRICA and for the rest of the World, Sabine Balve is recognized thru our body of the AFRICAN ACHIEVERS AWARDS for her dedication in promoting and implementing sustainable, humanitarian and peace initiatives globally, for her Global Movement Campaign and her new established EARTH AMBASSADOR Project, which is a Global Initiative by WLFDubai, Global Movement.
We have appointed Sabine, as the first white lady as an Honorable Member of the Advisory Board of the AFRICAN ACHIEVERS AWARDS for International Affairs (which is the highest body of AAA). We agreed with her together to campaign and to implement the NEW way forward to a GREEN, Sustainable and more Humanitarian Economic and Peaceful Future for all.
As an amazing passionated global women and Earth Ambassador, her influence is reaching from the smallest rural villages in Africa to the poshest largest metropolitan cities in the world, simple by using social media to connect them all. Bridging all nations, races, faiths and cultures.
In recognition of her mission and vision to foster the transition to sustainable ways of living for a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes, respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, especially as well for women and youth empowering in developing countries, respect for diversity, economic justice and world peace.
We want to congratulate once again as well in the name of our distinguished African Achievers Award Recipients who includes:
The Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa; The Rt. Hon. Joyce Banda, then President of Malawi; The Rt. Hon. Atta Mills, late President of Ghana; Babatunde Fashola, Governor of Lagos State, Nigeria; and Dr Rilwanu Lukman; former Secretary-General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and many others.
We create the NEW AFRICA together, Sabine! Yours Sincerely,
Rex Idaminabo

Gregory Gallagher
Canadian Sesame Street TV Show -Writer, (120 million viewers of various international versions of Sesame Street, which was broadcasted in more than 140 countries) Filmmaker, Producer and Partner with the legendary Jean-Michel Cousteau (Ocean Expert Number one in the World) and his AWARD – Winning Children’s program “Ambassadors of the Environment”
& Earth Ambassador for Environment Project worldwide at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“I have had the good fortune to know and work with Sabine over the last couple of years while she has been creating one of the world’s truly important gatherings; World Leaders Forum Dubai. As one of the original Canadian writers of the Sesame Street TV Show, and as a current collaborator with the legendary Jean-Michel Cousteau (son of famed underwater marine biologist/explorer Jacques Cousteau) on the children’s transmedia series “Ambassadors of the Environment”, I applaud Sabine’s fearless work to make a difference in our world. Having also worked one-on-one with many of the planet’s greatest creatives, such as Duke Ellington, Quincy Jones, Lena Horne, Pointer Sisters, Count Basie, and many others, I am able to recognize the best of the best when it comes to the creative spirit, and Sabine is one of those rare birds indeed. When Sabine heard about my transmedia project for children in collaboration with Jean-Michel Cousteau, she immediately offered to assist in making it a successful reality. Her energy is the kind which can move mountains, and whenever I need an example of positivity in our human tribe, Sabine’s name comes to my mind. It is easy to recommend this fine lady on so many levels, but the most important is her sense of honest commitment to the children of our planet and improving how we interact with our environment. I am proud to be given the opportunity to work with Sabine, and thrilled to be considered as her Earth Ambassador for the World Leaders Forum Dubai.”

Rob Kinslow
Doing more, with Less: Sustainability Consultant: Business Development, Educator, Coach Hawaiian IslandsRenewables & Environment, Climate Change Projects, and Wildlife
“Sabine Balve is a visionary thinker and inspirational actor on the stage that encompasses social business, conservation and sustainable development. Since I’ve known her she has embarked on a sustainable leadership path culminating in her creation of the World Leaders Forum Dubai. This high level innovative event will catalyze world leadership to adopt sustainable development policy and develop heart for the Natural Economy in which we are all embedded and on which we all depend. If this is Sabine’s current project, imagine the benefits she will create in the future. I urge everyone to attend WLFD or support Sabine in her quest for social-ecological improvement.”

Jan Wilhem
Executive Director at World Leaders Forum Dubai based in Munich, Germany
“Sabine Balve is an inspiring visionary leader and social entrepreneur. She brings focus, futuristic vision and extreme passion to her work – as she does what she loves and loves what she does. Once she is convinced about something; nothing is stopping her. Sabine is full of tremendous will power and determination, until she has achieved what she wanted to complete. She lifts up and encourage everyone around her to follow and support her while believing in her vision and mission to bring: light, hope and changes.
She drives to realize her visions and dreams. Having excellent networking skills she wins the hearts even of them who are against a cause. I am sure that she is a force to bring positive changes in the society. Sabine is demanding on perfection what she does, which brings a positive effect working as a team together. Great achievements are made together in a short period due to her extra-ordinary way she is performing – really a positive lifetime experience for all. In the same time she is very caring and very passionate to bring positive changes and hope to master the Global Challenges of the 21st century.
Sabine truly cares about different world cultures and is an open minded personality; tolerant to
all religion she brings minds together. I am grateful to know her since many years and delight to support Sabine since early beginning of World Leaders Forum Dubai. Let’s make the world to a better place! Many thanks to Sabine and all fans and friends.”

Kisirisa Muhammed
Executive Director of AFFCAD-Action For Fundamental Change and Development in Bwaise Kampala district Uganda and WLFDubai – Slum Earth Ambassador for Children in Uganda
Letter of Appreciation – many thanks, dear Sabine
A few months back I met Sabine Balve through a mutual friend from Zambia, I thought she was like any other women friends on Facebook. After some time, I realized that she was a woman God had chosen to change my life. Ever since I started communication, I have been inspired with her enthusiasm, leadership skills, passion and charisma to change the world especially slum communities in Uganda.
Sabine Balve, World Leaders Forum Dubai has invested successful efforts in securing funds and grant moneys for use by Action For Fundamental Change and Development (AFFCAD) in our campaign to help children and families in the slums of Uganda and Africa.
I have faith that this strong relationship between AFFCAD and World Leaders Forum Dubai will make slums in Uganda better places to live as Our AFFCAD motto and my personal daily motivation, is ” One Person can make a difference ! Together we shall bring social change, YES WE SHALL ! ”
Sabine, you most certainly also demonstrate the power of such words through your own actions and commitment.
I, the others in AFFCAD, and the children and families of Uganda and Africa whom we are all working to help, thank you, dear Sabine for your ongoing support, leadership and heartfelt compassion.
Most sincerely from Uganda,
Kisirisa Muhammed

Michael Bailey
Producer & Director of Planet Views, Teamed up with Al Gore, 45th Vice President of the United States (1993–2001), under President Bill Clinton for the famous “INCONVENIENT TRUTH” film about Climate Change, Co-Founder of GREEN-PEACE & Advisory Board of World Leaders Forum Dubai
Sabine Balve is a highly creative individual who is a pleasure to work with. She is a visionary figure with innovative ideas about how to transform global social society. As an inspirational business woman, Sabine consistently expands the vision and mission of her new objective of the WORLD LEADERS FORUM DUBAI. In this Forum Sabine Balve promotes green ideas, education and awareness pertaining to humanitarian causes and supporting sustainable activities. We collaborated daily for a number of months during the past year of 2012. This involved consistent exchanges about how we can all enhance and improve the challenges facing humankind and our world. In an amazing short time, Sabine successfully developed a combined worldwide community of more than 100.000 fans and friends on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest and other international social media networks. With millions of views from all across the world, Sabine, you have demonstrated how we are all connected to the world, and that we are all one, this chain reaction around the globe is ongoing. The mission and vision is shared with and appreciated already by millions! I am pleased and honored to be a supporter of this new global movement and in which all can help to lead this endeavor to a success. Congratulations for showing how one person can make a difference!
Warmest regards, with my sincere support, Michael

Buumba Malambo
Buumba Malambo Founder and Director of Buumbalambo Foundation for Children in Need in Lusaka, Zambia and World Leaders Forum Dubai – Youth Ambassador Zambia
Dearest Sabine,
The work of the Buumbalambo Foundation for Children in Need, here in Lusaka, Zambia is being greatly aided by your successful fundraising efforts and ongoing guidance. It is with sincerity that I and others from the Buumbalambo Foundation express our appreciation for your influence and wisdom. The Buumbalambo Foundation for Children in Need is working to educate and assist children who are the most venerable and at risk. These are primarily orphans and single-parent children.
Preventing children whom being entrapped into human slavery, reducing child prostitution and teenage pregnancy, child labor, child marriage and sexual abuse as well as advancing education and public safety within remote villages are all programmes which we are successfully undertaking.
As you know, our work has been recognized within many communities and organizations. This includes the ‘African Achievers International Awards’. This Award recognizes individuals and organizations that make exceptional efforts to help advance social development and achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. In addition the foundation won the prestigious Voice of Youth Africa Award which recognizes young people in Africa making a difference in their communities.
Madame Sabine, your securing of grant moneys, for use by the Buumbalambo Foundation in support of our efforts here in Zambia helps us continue to advance these Goals, and is welcomed by many. Knowing that you and others serving in leadership positions within World Leaders Forum Dubai have goals which are identical to those of us here rn Zambia, is heartwarming and helps inspire us all.
Thank you, for your ongoing support, leadership and heartfelt compassion.
Buumba Malambo

Robson Mello
Secretary-General, Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization (IREO) IREO has de facto status within the UN and globally. Its Multilateral Treaty is submitted for registration under Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. IREO has submitted a petition for inclusion as an Intergovernmental Observer to the UN
“Sabine’s vision is a perfect example of promoting and implementing sustainability and green initiatives. I’m very impressed with her professionalism and work ethics.”

Frank Birkin
Professor in Accounting for Sustainable Development at Sheffield University, United Kingdom. Author of Intrinsic Sustainable Development. Intrinsic Sustainable Development (ISD) Epistemes, Science, Business, and Sustainability
“It is my honour to be able to work with Sabine Balve. I find her approach to global sustainable development both refreshing and practical. Her two priorities of sustainability and world peace ought to be the basis of daily front-page news around the world – but unfortunately they are not. Nonetheless Sabine’s visionary goals and influential networks are a great encouragement and we should all find inspiration in her work to leave the world a better place.”

Sharon Jones
CEO & Managing Director, Yoyo Innovative Artist Creator of Yozique www.yozique.com, Yoyo Art Pty Ltd
“The amazing work Sabine Balve is doing to create a better future for everyone has captured my imagination. I applaud Sabine for this magnificent effort and we are now collaborating to increase the awareness and make the World Leaders Global Forum the much anticipated successful event I know it will be.
Charity, Forum, Festival and Film Fest – this will be one of the most MEGA events imaginable, and I know Sabine will succeed as she is a visionary fighter. Sabine is a change maker for our global society with a creative mind. As we can see from her amazing designer work, she is able to think outside the box. We need free-thinking people with no limits like Sabine to create such global society changes.
My artist name is Yoyo and I am the creator of Yozique, Luxury Crystal Creations. I have much in common with Sabine Balve. Having excelled in many diversified fields, we both create very unique and exclusive luxury products. Our customers are amongst the most distinguished and wealthiest elite genre of society with a discerning appetite for the rarest and most exceptional worldly treasures. We have both exhibited at the most exclusive shows such as the Millionaire Fair Moscow and others. It is a fantastic idea to bring all Sabine’s worldwide networks into this global movement and forum – to contribute for a better future for all of us.
The message of Sabine’s sustainable movement overall is world peace and harmony which is a vision we share. In fact, the first Yozique work ever created is titled Harmony 1. It is a section taken from the much larger and very intricate original design titled World Harmony. A Harmony series of five sections from this World Harmony design is being produced, each masterwork having a different colour base.
As I believe in the greatness of this noble cause, I will be donating a percentage of each Yozique masterwork sold or commissioned as a result of my involvement with Sabine and the World Leaders Forum Dubai. The retail value of a Yozique masterwork starts at US$1.25 million. This will help facilitate the ongoing efforts of Sabine’s Foundation and help this humanitarian project make a substantial difference throughout the world.
Wouldn’t this be wonderful – to leave a better future for our children and their children. Only through education can we change our way of thinking. Sabine has all our support here from Perth, Western Australia. Let’s unite the world as a global family!

Jene Ausherman
Philanthropist, Global Connector, Entrepreneur. Board Member at Sister Cities International, United States. Committee Member- Indianapolis to Cologne World Cup Soccer 2006 FIFA TMS GmbH. Advocate for His Holiness the Dalai Lama Mongolian Tibetan Cultural Center Bloomington. World press organization committee for Pan American Games, Indianapolis 1987 & Friends of World Leaders Forum Dubai
“I am most excited to be a part of World Leaders Forum Dubai with Sabine Balve! Her vision for “What can be” touches all our hearts. We need change and action to evolve into a world of sustainability, love and respect of all humans, earth, creatures.”

Tarek Ali
General Manager at Oman International Trade and Exhibitions. Former Exhibition Director Reed Exhibitions, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
“I cannot forget the first time I saw Sabine; shiny lady standing in front of TV cameras being interviewed for her magnificent safes at INDEX. I could not resist the temptation created by her charming presence and humorous conversation with the TV correspondent s and I queued myself behind the journalists who were waiting for their chance to speak to her. It might be the safes which she was promoting are unique, yes they are, but now, after many years of knowing Sabine, I realized that it was not only the safes, but it was Sabine charisma, drive, loveliness and all of her queens like qualities which are unique and hard to find in a lady of modest and down to earth personality at the same time. Sabine becomes one of my customers at that event which I was promoting during INDEX and I was proud of having her presence as at Abu Dhabi International Motor Show. You might ask: why Sabine who is selling safes is present at the Motor Show? Let me answer you, Sabine is a star and she can shine anywhere.
Thanks Sabine for your support and inspiration. I will always treasure our friendship and business relationship.”

Keith Stentiford
Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing Leader in Energy Management at GENERAL ELECTRIC (GE) an American multinational conglomerate, fourth-largest company in the world & Advisory Board at World Leaders Forum Dubai
Former President of Alstom for Northern America, Canada & Mexico (a French multinational company, revenue: $ 20,92 billion)
Dear Sabine, I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude and support for the recent confidence you and your organization has shown me in my appointment.
As you know I have been a supporter for a long time and have watched your influence grow and blossom into an awakening of the fundamental values that if we together harness correctly can set the stage for a completely self sustainable human race and prevent further misuse and abuse of the earths natural resources.
Firstly to achieve the goals and objectives of the WLFDubai mission it’s essential that we have the right network of influential leaders that can make a difference by their standing and role model persona. I have looked on with excitement to see that you have managed and continue to manage to bring on board the caliber of leaders that you have. Congratulations and I look forward of working with them to realize the goals.
Technology today can be our leverage and it’s up to the WLFDubai organization to set the stage, direct the show and participation and the eventual applause that comes with achievement.
Commercializations of the WLFDubai is essential to drive our ambitions and goals as without the necessary funds at our disposal we will forever be just a voice in the dark. We need to be able to lead from the front and not be pushing from the rear. Its also critical that we call to action real meaningful proactive efforts and undertaking to “set the stage for our show”
Once again, thanks,

Creezy Courtoy
Founder New Luxury & Luxury Code – Working for a Better World, Campaign World Perfume Heritage, Chair-Founder International Perfume Foundation & Board of Director at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“Sabine has a strong energy directed towards her goal, her vision and dedication will make her reach her goal very fast. She has the power of embracing many tasks at the same time and is restless. Thank you Sabine for so much effort for a cause touching everyone on this planet. You will succeed in bringing together the right elements for making this world a better place. World Leader Forum Dubai will be an opportunity for the whole world to discover the true leaders and real solutions for the 21st Century Humanity Issues. If you love this planet, if you want to be part of the change and make this moment the time of your life, support Sabine and World Leaders Forum Dubai. Thank You.”

Martha Del Bello
Presidente na Câmara de Comércio e Industria Brasil – Republica do Chipre São Paulo Area, Brazil International Affairs
“Sabine Balve has over time developed an extremely important work to safeguard our planet as the Founder and President of World Leaders Forum in Dubai. Her personal dedication is a highly competent professional and deserves my admiration and respect.”

Maximilian Loessl
Founder & CEO at Agrilution, Founding Member AVF, Student at HAS Den Bosch University, Think Tanks & Global Youth Ambassador for Vertical Farming at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“Sabine was the first person of significant international reputation, who ‘followed ‘and ‘liked’ my newly established Linked in group about vertical farming. This Linked in group has proven to be a very good step towards promoting Agrilution, the Association for Vertical Farming as well as supporting my desire to helping humankind and our planet.
The World Leaders Forum Dubai (WLFD) under the leadership of Sabine as the tireless motor of all activities happening there – are now leading efforts to campaign NEW endeavors. This involves bringing selected supporters of World Leaders Forum Dubai into a NEW network group of Youth and Senior Earth Ambassadors. Sabine Balve and WLFD are developing the Earth Ambassadors Club E.V. in Munich Germany, with the help of interested WLFD supporters (myself and a group of students, young entrepreneurs and social media networkers) in a number of countries, and others are expected to begin developing in other cities and countries.
I am impressed by the heartfelt passion required to initiate and manage the World Leaders Forum Dubai Global campaign. I love the WLFDubai ideas and concepts about sustainability and world peace!
My commitment to Agrilution and informing the world about the values of Vertical Farming and the pressing need to deliver solutions to urgent global problems continues to grow. It is being projected that by the year 2050 some 9 billion people are expected to populate the planet. Food and sustainable social systems will be essential to maintain a well-fed population with such numbers. Agrilution the Association for Vertical Farming can help achieve such.
Sabine Balve is energetic, passionate and enthusiastic about making the world a better place for all! By starting WLFD she is reforming the world for the better. I appreciate her for what she has done and what she is doing.”

Dr. Peter Bickerton
PhD Student University of Manchester, Ambassador at Thought for Food, Ambassador at One Young World & Earth Ambassador for Gourmet Insect Dining at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“I spent two wonderful hours chatting to Sabine about her incredible ideas to bring people of all ages, creeds, and diverse backgrounds together so that we change the world TOGETHER, and NOW. Sabine is an inspiration, and after just one Skype call enthused me immensely. The world is suffering NOW. Things need to change NOW. The land is sinking to a rising sea, there is pollution and warfare as far as the eyes can see, and we’re all here watching it, when all we need to do is say STOP. This is the time to change, and move forwards. With radical new thinking, and collaboration across the globe, Sabine and the World Leaders Forum can bring people together like never before to change the world for the better.”

Dave I Am
I am Development Officer, Water U-Can Trust, Global Clean Drinking Water Street Vending Dispenser, Project United Kingdom, Environmental Services
“An impressive person, confident, who loves global challenges which can improve this planet and with support has the wisdom to overcome them all, so far. Thank you, Sabine!”

Claude Talj
Sales Director (Renewables & Environment) at Reed Exhibitions -Organizer of the World Future Energy Summit, (WFES), in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
“Sabine is an inspirational woman, professional and diplomatic and very goal orientated. She is innovative and has the expertise in meeting her own objectives. Sabine exhibited in Motorshow – Abu Dhabi, showcasing BALVE SAFES Germany to local and international audience. She had a prime location stand at this show. Sabine had the ability to organize her participation in no time and was able to attract a considerable number of visitors and media to her booth.

Gurubar Singh Thapa
Director, Phoenix Aeronautical Group, USA. (Former) National Coordinator World Bank and UNDP in Kathmandu, Nepal. – Project Executor funded by World Bank and UNDP for Nepal.
“Sabine is an extraordinary creative organiser of modern time working with her would be our honor!!”

Tania Skachkova
Marketing Manager, 2014 Social Media at World Leaders Forum Dubai
I known Sabine Balve since 2010 and our contact become more intensive through Fukushima, Japan disaster in March 2011. We have had many hours communicating through social media, where she has updated and educated us about the current situation of this disaster and the effect on the environment, people and our planet earth.
We connected at that time in a tremendous work effort of more than 4.000 hours, worldwide with influential corporations, scientists and other users of social media platforms. Sabine is the interface of first hand collected news through her direct contacts in the nuclear, oil and other scientific industry and universities. The institute of Earthquake Research Centre in Tokyo, Japan, Sabine has ‘translated’ complicated scientific reports into understandable reports which have been shared though social media platforms and other communication tools.
Sabine became a frequent source on the latest news for myself, friends and supporters of World Leaders Forum Dubai. Everyone started to ask her, “Sabine, what can WE do, what should WE do and can WE do anything at all ?” So Sabine took on the challenge and started to search for solutions (not only for the nuclear disasters as well for other environmental catastrophes). She is extremely committed and a hard working business woman. Sabine is in contact with people in all time zones and puts effort into connecting and exchanging with people in more than 120 countries. These exchanges were the founding grounds for the global movement and network called: “World Leaders Forum Dubai”.
Sabine believes that every one of us can be an environmental ambassador which will be a synonym for all people who want to achieve tremendous efforts for society, environment and for our planet earth.
I am very glad to be part of her initial global movement as she is to me a true friend.
Thank you Sabine and we look forward for further great achievements through our community “World Leaders Forum Dubai”. What a Great Job! Thanks for everything,
best wishes,

Paul (PK) Holmes
LA Olympics Design Advisor
Managing director at FEPA Group
Vancouver Organizing Committee for the
2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
& Advisory Board at World Leaders Forum Dubai
“Sabine is a true force of dedication and vision with tireless energy to see her global initiatives for Change and Advocacy become reality. It is and has been a pleasure to collaborate with Sabine on her World Leaders Forum-Dubai initiative and to be part of bringing real change and opportunity to all humanity in the very near future.”

Tino Zahedi
Entrepreneur, International Representations, Government Relations, Networker, Inventor, Munich Area, Germany Think Tanks
“Green economy, fair trade, sustainable food supplies, renewable energy and nature preservation are among the many goals which she strives for. Seldom have I met a lady of such persistent, unshaken resolve as Sabine Balve, in her pursuit of progress toward a better world. While her untiring efforts, to rally able thinkers and movers around joint global projects, are gradually bearing fruit, she is already busy planning for the next stage. Her determined, though highly engaging, truly cosmopolitan personality effectively bridges the often perceived gulf between East and West, encouraging the cultures and the faiths of the orient and the occident to throw their lots together and jointly work for a common cause.”

Liz Parrish
CEO and Founder at BioViva Sciences USA Inc, Bainbridge Island, Washington. Liz is a humanitarian, entrepreneur, author and innovator and a leading voice for genetic cures.
“About two years ago Sabine commented in a positive way and encouraged me to reach my goals to cure disease. I am now CEO of BioVivaSciences.com , we are working to reverse cellular aging to mitigate the diseases of old age. Helping people live younger and longer. I could not have done this without encouragement, thank you so much Sabine!” (Jan.2015)

“Sabine is a Pious woman born to bless others. She is a Global Personality with profound knowledge and wisdom. She had much care and concern for the poor and the needy worldwide. She is a big visionary and encourages the Potential and talented men and women around the world. I am glad that she was BORN. great people are rare to born on this planet.”

Rt Hon Tamie Collins Markee
Evangelist, Entrepreneur, Writer International Human Rights Activist and Business Manager to Dr. Yomi Garnett Voice America Radio Talk Show
“Madame Sabine Balve, your presence here on VOICE AMERICA RADIO Talk Show expanded our hearts, simply because we love how you connect with the hearts of many around the globe. You are a true renaissance woman, and an iconic business leader. Your humanitarian endeavours makes you a role model for many globally and an inspiration to women worldwide. I admire your perseverance in seeking solutions to the prevailing challenges of our planet, on behalf of humanity. There are not many people on this planet who will work tirelessly around the clock full time, thousands of hours without pay, in order to improve the situation of the world by seeking for solutions and fostering global collaborations. The fact that you facilitated the World Energy Conference without being compensated for it in 2012 speaks volumes about your selflessness. Further, your work in response to the catastrophe at Fukushima with leading top experts and crisis management think tanks around the world voluntarily in 2011; shows how much you care about the future of our planet and humankind and is recognized by all of us. Sabine, you are a real SHERO, (HERO) Your innovation in safe making was both elegant and unique. Your creative imagination in the 21st Century Marketplace, and your social business contribution is simply the commendable experience of a heart based entrepreneurship for our planet and people. . We would be honored to have you on Voice America Radio Talk Show again!” Houston, Texas Area, USA Tammy Collins Markee

President, The Global Institute For Human Excellence.
Talk Show Host
VOICE AMERICA Internet Radio Network
Phoenix, Arizona in the USA
“It is my sincere and undiluted pleasure to recommend Sabine Balve as one of the most prominent global campaigners for genuine and sustainable human development on our planet, and for world peace. She has demonstrated this rich pedigree in global advocacy by employing the very credible platform of World Leaders Forum Dubai as an outreach for helping the world transit into a NEW global society with a green economy model, using the humanitarian approach (H2H ) as a vehicle for promoting sustainable world peace. It was against this background that I had her as a distinguished special guest on my radio show on April 23rd, 2015 to explore her childhood and upbringing, and the motivation for her sudden transformation from a former world famous designer of the most luxurious safes in the world to one of the most influential personages campaigning for sustainable human development and peace in the world today. My Show runs on the VoiceAmerica Network, Phoenix, Arizona. VoiceAmerica is the largest, and the world leader in live Internet Radio Broadcasting. The network has an estimated world wide listening audience of 4.5 million people daily.
My VoiceAmerica Radio Show and myself feel sincerely privileged to be a part of this wonderful Global Movement, World Leaders Forum Dubai, in its role as a Global Think and Do Tank. We intend to collaborate with Sabine to create friendships between east and west. In the future, we will do more shows with her with specific regard to her newly established Earth Ambassador Program.”

Ricky Richard Anywar
Founder/CEO Friends of Orphans at Friends of Orphans Uganda
Sabine Balve, we are very exited to work together with you and your global initiative in bringing Peace around the World. We are very proud that World Leaders Forum Dubai and Friends of Orphans have joined hands to advocate for peace, humanity and sustainability in order to protect and promote children. Our Foundation Friends of Orphans is working to eradicate the use of child soldiers while protecting them. Your effort to create peace, harmony, reconciliation, mediation and forgiveness globally is recognized by us and our friends not only in Uganda as well around the world. Thanks so much for your friendship, support and collaboration in promoting World Peace! Your Ricky
“My Website has been created by the wonderful Madame Sabine Balve Media Expert and Designer.
Her skills and empathy allowed her to create a very personal Website presenting my family story and my artwork at its best
I love the Design of grey and black for the text parts it is modern and stylish..
Over the years we constantly add new chapters and my Website grows and becomes more and more beautiful.
I am happy and proud with the result and I love to work with Sabine Balve.”
Ad multos annos
Gisela Kentmann

Sibylle Becker
Theatre Pedagogue, Director, Trainer and Coach for Emotional Intelligence, Teacher of Body Awareness with a Focus on Body-Oriented Psychotherapy
“Sabine Balve hat mir mit dem Kreieren meiner neuen Website nicht nur die Basis für ein erfolgreiches Business geschaffen, sondern war mir im gesamten Prozess stets ein Leuchtturm mein gesetztes Ziel zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus hat sie alle relevanten Belange klar und verständlich auf Augenhöhe kommuniziert.
Sabine Balve als Coach zu bezeichnen währe maßlos untertrieben. Sie ist DER Coach für Frauen schlechthin.
Herzlichen Dank für die ausgezeichnete Arbeit.”

Karin Maier
Diplomierte Energieumfeldberaterin und Therapeutin nach der Yogasolanwissenschaft | Golf Coach | Life Coach und Turnier Siegerin im Tanzen und im Golfen
“Sabine Balve ist ein sehr empathischer und weitsichtiger Mensch. Sie hat den Blick für das Aussergewöhnliche und bringt das Beste eines Jeden ans Tageslicht. Sabine ist sehr kreativ: Sie hat mir eine innovative Webseite gestaltet, die meine Vielseitigkeit und Kompetenz hervorragend erfasst. Ich kann sie wärmstens empfehlen. Inzwischen sind wir gute Freunde geworden. Mach weiter so und die Welt wird sich ändern❣️”

Gillian Elsworth
Luxury Spa Experiences
Beauty, Health & Wellness
“Anyone looking for a web designer, I really would like to recommend the lady Madame Sabine Balve for her amazing work, she created my personal website in a very professional way and put it together beautifully. The best of colour and creative talent plus the German professionalism and precision. I can highly recommend her.”

Madame Sabine Balve
Digital Media Campaigner | Go Global Digital
“Thanks so much to all – for our friendship and collaborations! This above is just a selection… more testimonials are coming soon… as we have time between our many different projects we are moving forward global.”

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